The first few pictures are from mead lake on the 4th of july. We went there with Elissa and Travis and Travis' family.
Graham in the "new" baby backpack! yay.
Daxon and his brithday legos.
Day in Mojave National Preserve
Graham in Xander's crib
Pioneer day with Elissa and Travis. Daxon standing, looking cute, picking up candy.
WOW, flood on the border of Cali and Nevada...on the way to Vegas for the weekend.
Visiting Dean and Ross in Vegas July 2009. What a fun weekend. I am glad we happened to live in Baker...How often do they go to Vegas anyway!
Rain in baker!...well, almost in baker.
Graham in his big kid car seat.
Sunset at Ventura beach after dropping off one of the vans.
HAHA. I think they need some smaller cactus for their yard!
Graham getting too big too fast.
Daxon with Ollie - Kendra's birthday present.
All of us at once! It's a miracle.